Legal Term

In accordance with the provisions of Article 6-III-1 of the Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for trust in the digital economy, it is specified that:

The website is edited by: Parella



Address: 105 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré,
75012 Paris

Publication Director: Olivier Neuman

Hosting Provider:

OXYNUM, 111 avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris, France,  with network provider Digital Ocean.


In accordance with the Law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and liberties, amended by Law n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the automated processing of personal data carried out from the website has been declared to the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties, which issued a receipt under the number [To be provided].

General Terms of Access and Use of the Site

This legal notice aims to define the terms under which PARELLA GROUP makes its website available to users, as well as the terms under which said users access and use this site. The user declares having read the terms of this legal notice and accepts them without reservation, prior to any consultation of the website. Access to the site is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to the occurrence of a force majeure event (as recognized by French and European court jurisprudence), possible breakdowns or any maintenance operation necessary for the proper functioning of the site. The user acknowledges having the competence and the necessary means to access and use this site. It is expressly stated that any connection of the user to the website is subject to compliance with this legal notice.


The user accesses the website through the communication networks of the Internet. The user declares to be aware of the risks and accepts them. He recognizes in particular that the information that transits or is stored there can be intercepted or altered against the will of PARELLA GROUP. It is strongly recommended for the user to take all necessary precautions to protect against the effects of piracy, in particular by adopting a secure and suitable computer configuration, by installing a regularly updated virus detection software. PARELLA GROUP can in no case be held responsible in case of contamination of the user’s computer equipment during or after his navigation on the website Furthermore, PARELLA GROUP cannot be held responsible for the misuse of the information or services by the user. In addition, PARELLA GROUP ensures the accuracy of the information on its site. However, it is expressly stated that the processed information may contain technical or typographical inaccuracies. PARELLA GROUP thanks the users of this site for informing it of any omissions, errors or corrections, by sending an email to the webmaster of the site at the following address: [To be provided]. It is specified that PARELLA GROUP can in no way be held responsible for any errors present on its site, the completeness of the processed information, or a lack of availability of information. The user acknowledges that PARELLA GROUP reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently interrupt all or part of the site, without notice. PARELLA GROUP cannot be held responsible in the event of temporary, partial or total unavailability of the site, in particular in the case of site maintenance or server hosting, in case of technical incident and more generally in the case of an event outside of its control.

Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with Articles 32 and following of Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms amended by Law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the user declares to be informed that the personal data he communicates, in particular by filling in the forms present on the site may be transmitted and exploited by PARELLA GROUP and its partners under certain conditions. The data processing officer is PARELLA GROUP. PARELLA GROUP guarantees the user the respect of the data communicated and ensures their integrity. The email address, identity (name, first name, date and place of birth), function, telephone and fax number, and postal address are the only personal data likely to be collected and processed by PARELLA GROUP. Personal data is collected for identification purposes and for statistical purposes, the duration of storage is determined in accordance with the texts in force. In accordance with the applicable legal provisions, each user, justifying his identity, may demand that the personal data concerning him be rectified, completed, updated or deleted, insofar as they are inaccurate, incomplete, outdated or whose retention would be prohibited. The user can exercise the aforementioned rights by justifying his identity by writing to: [To be provided]. It is reminded to the user that he must refrain from any collection or misuse concerning the personal data to which he may have access. In general, it is forbidden for him to perform any act likely to infringe on the privacy or reputation of people. Non-compliance with these obligations exposes the user to criminal sanctions.


“Cookies” are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your hard drive via your Internet browser. They allow our system to establish navigation statistics on our site and to recognize you when you log in

Intellectual Property Rights

This website and all its components including programs, data, databases, texts, still or moving images, sounds, drawings, graphics etc. are the property of PARELLA GROUP or are subject to a concession granted in its favor. All these elements are subject to the provisions of the intellectual property code and, as such, are protected against any unauthorized use by law or this notice. The consultation of this site does not entail any license, nor any transfer of rights relating to the elements of this site, except express stipulation appearing on the site. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, distribution, in whole or in part of the website and its content, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever is illicit, except prior express written agreement of the Publication Director or the holder of the rights relating to the element of the site in question. The user is authorized to consult, download and print the documents and information available under the following conditions:

  • the documents can only be used for personal, informational and in a strictly private context in accordance with Article L122-5 2° of the intellectual property code,
  • the documents and information can not be modified in any way,
  • the documents and information can not be disseminated outside the website. The rights granted to the user constitute a simple authorization of use and in no case a transfer of intellectual property rights relating to the elements of the site. All distinctive signs, logos and trademarks appearing on the site are the property of PARELLA GROUP and are protected by the provisions of the intellectual property code and civil code relating to trademark law, design and model law and civil liability. Any unauthorized use of the contents or information of the site, in particular for commercial exploitation, may be subject to prosecution on the basis of an action for infringement and/or an action for unfair competition and/or parasitism by the holders of the rights in question.

credit photos @thibaud Poirier for Parella


Applicable Law

Any difficulty, claim or dispute concerning this website will be governed by French law. The French courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating directly or indirectly to the access or use of this site.


The present legal notice may be updated at any time, depending on the modifications made to the website or the regulations. Any changes or updates are effective immediately upon posting, and your continued use of the website after any updates constitutes your agreement to be bound by the updated terms.


For any information related to the use of the site, the user can write to the following address: